Enlightenment Woo Woo

Anyone find it weird

Anyone find it weird that they always say you won’t see this solar eclipse again for another few decades!!! Then next year, the news will be like we have another solar eclipse in a few days, folks!! Probably different spots or places on the Earth.


People Don’t Pay Bus Fare

I haven’t taken the bus and subway in ten years. I had to use the bus and was worried on how to use this new OMNY system. It turns out, I just need to tap my credit card but I realized that people don’t pay their bus fare. I realized that people do not pay the bus at all. Like 90 percent of the people. I was worrying on how to pay but people don’t pay at all whatsoever. I still pay because I’ve been a law abiding citizen all my life.

People really shouldn’t pay. The government should provide transportation for free. If our government is a loving system, it would be free. But it is not so we have this. Houses, food and bare necessities would be free if our government is loving.


If You Do Not Believe In Free Stuff

If you do not believe in people getting free stuff, then you may hate your job and you feel that everyone has to suffer to make money, the same way you do. Most jobs in the USA are very loving because most jobs will provide some sort of service to other people. There are very few jobs in the USA that are unloving.

So if you hate your job, you maybe looking at it the wrong way or it could also be that you are no longer meant to be in that job. You have to look at your triggers also or what negative beliefs that you have. If you hate dumb people and you co-workers are dumb, you will focus on how dumb they are. If you focus on how little money you make or your problems in your personal life, you will hate your job very much.

But if you focus on the loving feelings and how loving the service that you provide, you will like your job. It is because we are made out of love, the one thing that we want is to feel love. You can feel love just by focusing on the loving intentions and services that your job provides.