Enlightenment Woo Woo

Israel And Palestine War

Currently, there is a war between Israel and Palestine. So this is an enlightenment and woo-woo post about it.


The Cause Of The War


Energetically, the war was bound to happen. There was no avoiding it. There are just so much religious hate, victimization, and anger in the human consciousness. Such beliefs are bound to surface. It is like volcano and the lava is flowing out or think of a cup and water keeps pouring into it even though it is full already. There is just too much negative energy in people’s hearts that the war had to happen. The energy of war is overflowing and as such, it had to manifest.



Superficially, it is most likely the CIA. The USA controls both Hamas and Israel government. War is very profitable. It also brings down the vibration of humanity. Like I said before, it is never going to stop. There will always be something that they want you to put your attention on. They want you to be in fear so you would attract horrible situations in your life. If you ever experience something you do not like, think of the things that you put your attention on. For example, if you are watching something and you feel anger, in the future, you will feel anger. For example, if you are feeling something bad like worry, you felt that way in the past and manifested it in the present moment.

So in the news, they are continually showing conflict, war and victimization. It is because they want the masses to experience or to manifest those things in their reality. This is the reason why you need to learn to listen to your heart. You will feel when watching the news or any shows that your vibration goes down. When you feel that your vibration is going down, it means that you should stop putting your attention on whatever it is that is making you feel bad.



In terms of enlightenment, you should look at the shows that you are watching, your beliefs, and what you see in the news. Which beliefs have conflict in them. Which shows have conflict and war in them? Most forms of entertainment have a lot of them even shows about romance, love or Disney stories. They all have conflict.

Like I said before, what do you think will make another human being kill another? Think about your beliefs. What would make you kill another person? Would you kill someone for self-defense? What if this person harms you or people you love? What if this person stole all of your money and so on? Most people will have different answers. However, a lot of people will kill others to be right or for their religion to be right. All they need to do is call you “unbeliever”, “infidel”, “demon worshipper”, “democrat”, “republican” and so on. Once a person labels you as such, they no longer see you as a person. You are now the source of all evil, and they are the ones that will bring justice to the world by removing you from this world.

The government create wars due to greed but for the masses, wars are fought not because of greed but by wanting to be right. Most people would rather be right than experience peace. Most people would rather make their religion right than live in harmony and peace. Most people would choose war if it meant being right especially for religious people. A lot of religious people have the need to prove their religion is correct and that they are correct. They don’t want peace, they don’t want love, they don’t want harmony, all they want is to be correct.


Cultivating Peace

If you did your enlightenment practices, and you feel your vibration rising, you will hate the feeling of low-vibration. You will hate being in conflict with other people. The higher you vibrate, the more you will find these shows about war or conflict to be very intolerable. For example, I couldn’t watch a lot of shows anymore like 90% of the shows and stories, I find them too low and very intolerable. I cannot endure them.

This is the reason why these wars happen or why bad things happen in our lives. It is so that we can see what we want and what we don’t want. Like I said in the beginning, if you are experiencing something bad, then think about the past. What shows, entertainment or what were you doing that created this situation that you do not like? Some of you will experience becoming a victim because you are watching shows about victimization. Some of you will experience sacrifice because you are watching shows about sacrifice. Most people will experience conflict because that what we see in our tv, internet, social media and so on.

If you don’t want to experience the same bad thing again, put your attention somewhere else. So we are in this war because a lot of people still have not learned the lesson. They still would choose war over peace. They would rather be right than be safe. They would rather be in conflict to prove to everyone that their beliefs are correct and are at the side of justice / God.


Conflict In Your Own Mind


You can be in conflict with your own mind also. You can be imagining being very strong that you defeat demons. The whole school and everyone you know became in awe at how amazing you are. You can also look at the mirror and say “I’m ugly”. So on and so forth. If you really want peace, you will have to choose your own thoughts rather than your thoughts choosing you. The higher that you vibrate, the more all of these negative thoughts will disappear from your head. So you don’t really need to put in a lot of effort, you just need to make sure that your entertainment or whatever you are putting your attention on, isn’t low vibration. Just make a conscious choice to put your attention into something happy, fun, and positive. You can also meditate, make money, create something, create music that is not violent or full of drama, or whatever.


Things Are Not Inevitable

The shadow elite wants you to believe that they can create wars whenever they want, they can create misery, and that you have no power whatsoever but that is not the case. Things are not inevitable. This war had a lot of energy behind it but when people start choosing peace over conflict, they will not have the energy or power to create wars. Ultimately, the choice is yours. You are very powerful. The higher you vibrate, the more they will try to bring your vibration down because you are a threat to them. They will create more shows about war, more news about conflict and so on, just to capture your attention. Your attention is what they want. Your unhappiness is their truest of goals.

You need to believe and choose their propaganda because this is a free-will zone. Your life is in your hands, it is not in theirs. It is the reason why I said before that indoctrination can kill you in this time frame. It can literally increase your chance of dying.


When You Change Your Mind

Some of you already know this through experience that when you change your mind, your life changes. If you did your enlightenment practices, you will notice this. The more enlightenment practices that you do, the easier your life becomes. The more peace and comfort comes into your days. As such, your outside world is really just a reflection of your inner world.

You don’t need change the outside world to experience peace. Israel or Palestine does not need to win for you to experience peace. The US government does not need to become loving for you to experience lasting peace and comfort. So you may think that you need to be king or have lots of money to feel safe or that you need Israel and Palestine to stop their war for you to be at peace. This is how our mind is conditioned which is to change the outside world to get what we want. But it is actually the opposite, you need to change the inner world so that the outside world will follow.

The kingdom of heaven is within you. If you cultivate and feel peace right now, it is what you are going to experience in the future. Look within. Feel what is in your heart or inner world. If it is full of worry, you need to start cultivating peace, meditating, and so on, so that you will experience more and more peace in your life.