
Meditation – Empty Your Mind

I want to explain youthing in mysticism before it vanishes out of my mind. Maybe someone can pick it up and connect the dots together. But before I can explain youthing, I have to explain meditation first.


Meditation – Empty Your Mind

This is a simple meditation that I do which is to empty the mind. I keep going back to this practice over and over. Sometimes the guided meditation no longer works and my mind wanders even when I hear the words so I do it manually instead. In other words, I empty my mind without listening to youtube. There are many similar guided meditations in youtube, I recommend getting earphones on your phone or tablet or laptop to do these meditations. I tend to meditate before sleeping at night so that I can sleep better also.

You need to be able to completely empty your mind. Empty your mind of your past. Empty your mind of your future. Be the awareness in the present moment. Empty your mind of your name, your desires, goals and so on. Completely empty your mind of who believe you are and just be aware. Once you empty the mind, you can then asks questions like:

What does immortality feel like?

What does eternity feel like?

What does completeness feel like?

And so on.


Shifting Or Shifting Realities

Kids these days are using meditation to shift realities. It is very popular. I did not expect that millions of teenagers are doing this. I’ve never done this but it is very intriguing. Basically, a lot of teenagers who are into Harry Potter and fanfics about Harry Potter wanted to live in the Harry Potter world. Unfortunately, the Harry Potter world does not exists so how are they going to experience the Harry Potter universe? This is what they call shifting realities.

You basically empty your mind and when it is emptied, you give a subliminal message to live in the Harry Potter universe. If you succeed, you will live in Hogwarts for sometime. The experience is very similar to lucid dreaming so you really do feel like you are attending Hogwarts and learning magic. Which is kind of cool that you are a student in the Hogwarts School of Wizardry for a couple of months. These kids get addicted to these kinds of experiences.

Gen Z kids be like: HAHAHA You adults are worrying about COVID while we are playing quidditch with Harry and Ron.

However, I do not do this. I just like to feel emotions that are very high which is good enough for me. I don’t really have any desire to be in Hogwarts but if you are a Harry Potter fan then this may interest you.

Why am I mentioning this? It is because I’m going to explain what I believe is happening in meditation and how are people able to do this.