Woo Woo

May Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


Stock Market And Crypto

I didn’t get any stock market predictions for May. I haven’t been paying much attention to the predictions this month also. Crypto predictions for last month was pretty spot on except for Cardano. BTC was pretty sideways but Cardano just dropped hard. But this month looks like BTC is dropping hard also. I expected them to get a correction but Cardano just dropped really hard. If Cardano drops some more, I may buy. Real estate looks very very low also. It might be a good buy as well.

If you believe that crypto will go higher, then these drops will mean nothing. BTC dropped like these and game stop also. They all dropped hard before they go up. Crypto is just very volatile.

Weed stocks are looking good. I think Biden is going to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. They are not yet legalized for recreational use in most states but the reclassification means that it could happen for a lot of states after some time.


State Of Humanity

Humanity is doing amazingly well. In terms of energy, we are absorbing a lot of light and positive energies. We are also shedding a lot of darkness. We are doing really really well. Some of you will be able to feel it also in the environment like there’s more lightness or weightlessness. The body and the world is not as heavy as it used to be. Some of you who refuse to let go of negative beliefs like victimization, superiority, death and so on, will find your beliefs manifesting in front of you. You will get diseases, problems and lots of worry. Life is just not going to be fun for those days. But for most days, it should be better if you don’t have a lot of negative beliefs.


Powers That Be Are Collapsing

The powers that be are collapsing. They are losing power at an incredible rate. A lot of them are dying also. The reptilians are leaving the planet and the hybrids with lots of reptilian DNA are dying as well. They need you to lower your vibration in order to survive so expect politics to create laws, create war and create a lot of stuff that will lower your vibration. They are literally in survival mode.


False Flags

A lot of these wars are fake. The USA is funding both sides. Even Ukraine and Russia war is fake. Both sides know about it, planned it a long long time ago, and both sides will become friends after war is over. The casualties are definitely real. Dead soldiers and dead civilians are real. The reptilians believe in sacrificing young people to lower the vibration of the planet. The best way to sacrifice young people is through war.

You will have to do your enlightenment practices in your beliefs on death. The powers that be will always have something in the back of their hand that will try to scare people. They often do it through the fear of dying or the fear of death. Death is something that you have to make peace with or the next couple of years are going to be full of worry for you.

In the future, it will be common knowledge that the shadow elites are creating these fake scenarios just to lower people’s vibration and put them in constant fear.


What Rebellion Looks Like

You may think that being a rebel means fighting the government, getting guns or even protesting. But the reality is that the best way to fight is to live a happy life. Live a very peaceful life and that peaceful energy will propagate and heal the land and wounds of humanity. The less conflict you have in your life, less drama you have in your entertainment, the more peaceful you will become. The happier you become, the more it heals the planet.

You do not need to save people. These souls come to the planet and they set up their own challenges. You cannot save them from something they want to experience. Go work on your own challenges and mind your own business.



The famine agenda is not going as planned but the agenda is not dead yet. They still plan to create famine and kill a lot of people. US isn’t going to be affected much but the prices are going to sky rocket if it happens. The higher humanity becomes vibrationally, the less these agendas will happen. You need to agree to these agendas before they could happen. You need to agree to kill yourself, they cannot kill you or harm you unless you agree. This is the only way to impact the collective human consciousness which is through propaganda.


All Roads Lead To Rome

No matter what timeline you get to, no matter what you see in the world, humanity will go to a brighter future. The timeline where humanity kills itself is very very improbable. The more probable timeline is full of abundance, full of life, and lots of freedom.

Universal income, universal free health care, and free small houses can happen in 2050. So in 2050, a lot of people do not need to work to survive. You will be provided for. This will only happen when the government is collapsing. Like humanity decided that we don’t want the government interfering in our lives. So in order to prolong the government’s role in USA, we will all get free stuff.

Year 2100 is even better. Hardly any sickness, hardly any war, and hardly any conflict. Humanity is more interested in getting higher or evolving than creating drama or conflict. We all decided to find the best way to vibrate higher to evolve humanity as fast as possible.

We will get to these timelines the hard way that is full of pain and hardship or get to these timelines with ease. The choice is ours but all paths lead to the same destination which is that we all learned that we want everyone to have houses, food, and freedom.