Woo Woo

Miami Mall Aliens

They are claiming that it is a bunch of kids, they got into a fight, they brought fireworks and so on. I’m not saying it is aliens but it is most likely aliens. I cannot be sure but it is most likely aliens. No CCTV videos, no eye witness reports, no cell phone videos, and so on. How is that possible? A thousand cops went there for kids using fireworks?

When you get into a high enough frequency, you can see certain things. You can see inter-dimensional camouflages, or invisibility cloaks. You can see people shape shifting. These aliens are very friendly. They are most likely just scientists studying human behavior. Unfortunately, their cloaking device was not able to cloaked them fully. A few kids saw blurry, tall entities moving around, and they instantly knew they are aliens.

You may not believe this but there are millions of aliens living among. Most of them come to observe the animals, some the plant life, and some are interested in the social dynamics of human beings. The good aliens outnumber the bad aliens by a lot. There 98% good aliens vs the 2% bad aliens. The 2% bad aliens are being monitored always by the galactic federation. They are in contact with our government, you will most likely never see them at all. The good aliens are walking among us. Earth has the most bountiful specimens, animals, and plants in the universe. Various alien species donated their DNA to combine with humans, animals, plants and so on. The Earth continues to create new species, new animals and new living things. The Earth can even revive species that once was extinct.


MIB or The Men In Black

Our government does not want the existence of aliens to be made public. The galactic federation also agrees since our frequency is not high enough. However, we are slowly getting higher to the point that the information that we are not alone in the universe will become public. In ten years from now, lots of people will know that aliens exists.

However, right now, this information is taboo. If the government knows that you saw aliens, they will wipe your memory. They can do it. They will not wipe all of your memories but they will wipe the memory where you saw aliens. So there’s nothing to fear, you will lead the same life as if you never saw them. Now if you don’t want the government to visit you, if you saw an alien, don’t record it, don’t panic, just move along as if nothing happened. Just get out of there.


More Alien Information

Hollow Earth

The Earth is hollow. There are lots of aliens and humans living underneath the Earth. I’ve discussed this before. To us, the most normal thing is to live on top of a planet but in reality, most species live underneath it. The top of the planet is unstable where the climate changes, weather changes, meteor showers happen, solar flares happen and so on. Most aliens live underneath where their civilizations can flourish and not get destroyed after a few thousands of years goes by.

The Earth is not the only thing that is hollow. The moon is hollow, Mars is hollow, Venus is hollow, Mercury is hollow, and even the sun is hollow. Yes, lots of aliens live underneath Mars, live underneath Venus, and they live underneath the sun also. There are lots of aliens inside the moon. They are all around us. They are not allowed to make direct contact with us until our vibrations go up. But like I said, most aliens are the good guys.

The moon is most likely created by aliens or by humans millions of years ago. It is most likely artificial. If you look at solar eclipses. The moon is the exact size that it needs to be to block the sun while also allowing some light in. If the sun gets really hot, the moon was created for the purpose of blocking the sun. This will cool the planet while also allowing enough light to pass through for living beings to exist. It is very very technologically advanced and very ingenious invention.

The government is planning a fake alien invasion. They will say that the aliens are dangerous and that the government will protect us. It is meant to make us rely on our government and take away our freedom. But in reality, the aliens are the good guys and our government is the bad guy. The aliens want to liberate us while our government wants to enslave us.