
Money Should Flow Into

Money should flow into my life a lot easier next year. At least, according to my guides. Next year, it should be a lot easier. This year is going to be bad. However, I am still looking for part time jobs or ways to make money. It does not have to be a lot. I just want some spare change to invest my money into stock market and crypto. The prices right now are so low. I just want to buy as much as I can and forget about it for years to come.

I wish I have connections or know people that own businesses so I can easily get a job. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Job market is really tough right now. My guides always say “you don’t need money” which is true and not true. Having money is always nice. I want my own house or a $5,000 computer would be nice. My guides just want to me to “be still”. Be still and know that you are God.