

The Reason Why You Need

The reason why you need to do enlightenment practices. If you watch too many victimized shows, propaganda, and so on, you will ruin your life. You may think you are fighting the good fight but there’s really no good fight. It is all internal.… Read the rest...


I want to move to Vermont

I want to move to Vermont or Tennessee. I’m looking at houses in Vermont. It looks like a nice place to live. Low crime rate, lots of nature, but winter there is tough or very cold. I will need a truck or something. This house is worth 150k. It doesn’t look good but beggars cannot be choosers. I have no … Read the rest...


I would take

I would take steroids if I could look like him. But I think my muscles are good enough also since I’m only 5’6″. My muscles are solid, and rock hard. I can feel them even though I gained weight. I kind of like them lol. But I think the only thing that can spark my love life is money and … Read the rest...


My fellow Filipinos

My fellow Filipinos are terrible at creating something new. Our movies, tv shows, and entertainment are often just copy of other countries. But we excel at singing old songs and making them sound very nice. Sometimes there’s a lot of auto tune but still good.


I wish my life is all about music. I wish I could sing and … Read the rest...


Money Should Flow Into

Money should flow into my life a lot easier next year. At least, according to my guides. Next year, it should be a lot easier. This year is going to be bad. However, I am still looking for part time jobs or ways to make money. It does not have to be a lot. I just want some spare change … Read the rest...


Money isn’t flowing in

Money isn’t flowing in. I have the same problem for some time now which is money. I don’t even need a lot of it. I would be perfectly happy with a minimum wage job and just survive. As long as the job is something I enjoy or easy to do. It is hard to find a job in New York … Read the rest...