Woo Woo Writings

Plastics And Chem Trails

There’s probably some sort of long term health problems due to this. It is impossible to avoid eating plastic everyday. I think organic vegetables would detox our body or at least it would help. Those broccolis are full of sulfurophane which helps remove toxins in the body. There’s really no research in this at the moment. Just a lot of speculations. Hopefully, more information and research happens.

Robert F. Kennedy says that this Endocrine Disruptors will feminized young kids. They will make them attracted to the same sex. Of course, I did not believe it but CNN tried to say that this is a conspiracy theory. So maybe there’s truth to it. I always think CNN is lying so Kennedy maybe correct. Need more research.


Chem Trails Are Real Now

This used to be a conspiracy theory that the government is spraying the sky with chemicals. Apparently, it is no longer a conspiracy. They are engineering the sky to prevent climate change. White House is pushing this agenda and we are basically the test subjects on how bad it will be. They are basically saying these are not good for the soil and for the health of human beings but it must be done to cool the Earth. I am pretty sure they have been doing this for a very long time. Maybe decades. Maybe even before I was born.

I am pretty sure we are being poisoned. In the food we eat, in the water, in the air. We are being poisoned in all aspects of our life. I believe it is intentional. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to protect ourselves from chem trails. I have not done any research on this. Eat your vegetables and fruits. They are filled with antioxidants that may remove these poisons in our bodies.


I Think These Poisons Make Us Fat

USA has an obesity problem. I think these poisons maybe causing such problems. Could be too much processed foods also. I hardly eat processed foods and I am getting overweight like I could use 10-15 lbs of losing weight. I think the poisons are causing our bodies to become sluggish, slow, and fat.